Now introducing SunJack: the world’s most powerful, portable solar charger that also gives back to rural communities. Help us reach our goal on Kickstarter by sharing out story with family and friends!

I love solar because it aligns with my personal values of efficiency and independence. I also work with, distributing solar panels and related components (usually for residential homes). About a year ago, I recognized a need for portable solar power and discovered how valuable it was to anybody with mobile devices or for disaster preparation. As a survivalist (by hobby only!) and off-grid camper, I tried several solar chargers but found they just weren’t very powerful (and the powerful ones weren’t portable). So I embarked on a year-long journey to develop the SunJack, which I’m proud to present to you today.

Greg Cooper and I first met via helping him source solar components. After bonding over our Australian roots, I learned about his work in Papua New Guinea (an Oceanic Country with much undeveloped infrastructure). When I showed him an early prototype of the SunJack he immediately saw the value and application for the rural villages. People are dying from Pleurisy and Pnemounia and lacking literacy due to lighting inaccessibility. SunJack solves this. Beyond charging our first-world luxuries, SunJack can provide lighting, enable communication, and improve lives world-wide. Be part of this energy empowerment!

Solar and batteries are cheaper when manufactured in bulk – and we need to place an initial production run of 300 units in order to make this project feasible. If we can hit 1,000 units then this will become cost-effective, and we can start donating more units to those in need – disaster areas, off-grid medical tents, third world countries, etc. When you make a pledge or share this page, you’re helping advance the cause of energy independence for yourself and energy empowerment for those in need.

It’s been a long road creating dozens of prototypes, spending hours discharging and charging phones and tablets, running lights for days, and trying to get the look, weight, and feel just right. But it’s now at a place that I’m happy to release it to the world and put my name behind it. We’ve invested in 100 beta test units which are currently out in the field and getting feedback so that you will receive a thoroughly tested product. I personally use the SunJack on my car dashboard, out camping, and at multi-day art/music festivals. My cellphone is energy independent! A big thank you to all our supporters that have helped us test the various versions along the way – it’s with their help we’ve made it this far.


As an Emergency Power Source. Are you earthquake / zombie / disaster ready?
RV / Camping / Backpacking / Rock-Climbing trips.
On your car dashboard.
Multi-Day Festivals
Beaches and pool-lounging.
Rural locations such as mountain cabins, ranches and farms.
I’d like to say in Space, but I haven’t tested it there … yet.

Thank you for your help!