Now throw your hat away! Sunclip “a shade smarter”, is about to be launched on Kickstarter. Sunclip is a neat anti-glare, anti-blinding attachment to sports sunglasses. . The device works as a 3D shade close to the eye but with apertures that allow an unimpeded view of the tennis ball when serving or when playing high shots such as lobs. It boasts easy clip on Clip off features and Sunclip allows invidual adjustment for eye to eye to distances ( IPD) . It’s very light and durable and comes in several stylish colour schemes. Other features allow prescription lenses to be fitted and other attachments such as the custom graduated tint filter that has been developed especially for Sunclip.

So what are the advantages of the device

1. Light and more comfortable for many who dont like wearing caps. 2) easy fit 3) totally blocks bright sunlight from above but allows a clear view of the tennis ball straight ahead or when its overhead 4) as its based on tunnel like holes its scratchproof.

Sunclip has been tested and endorsed by Tennis coaches and amateur tennis players alike. For example some words from Tom Mattison, head tennis coach , Enderby, Leicester , United Kingdom;- I have tested the Sunclip attachment and found them to be very effective in reducing glare from the sun . I compared them against my usual filter sunglasses and they outperformed those when serving towards the sun in identical conditions. This meant I did not have to squint as much when striking the ball. I also did a comparison when wearing my normal sunglasses and a baseball cap. I still found the Sunclip to have the edge in terms of blocking the glare.

I believe these will be of benefit to many amateur tennis players. As the frames allow for the fitting of inserts for prescription lenses they can be also be of benefit to players who need prescription lenses. I think the glasses act like a cap when playing normal ground strokes, therefore suiting players who do not like wearing caps.

I have spoken to other club members who have tried them and heard only positive feedback.

I believe these will suit the average club player- beginner. I also like the designs and colour scheme.

What about the future? Car driving and Cycling are other potential activities that are being looked at that may benefit from Sunclip. Even Skiing is another potential application.
