Here it is; what you’ve all been waiting on “Suddenly  Real”. A super sexy Sy-Fy action thriller based on Allan Hall’s classic novel; The Chronicles Of Dalon. It’s about time!

The compelling adventure of a NASA team of astronauts searching for life…but not of this world. And closely related to films like Alien, Gravity, Armageddon, Interstellar and Oblivion.

Suddenly Real  is a huge 3 hour feature film event about a story of love, lies, honor, redemption and a few alien creatures.

When we are faced with adversity, we are also faced with a decision.  Do we rise above?  Or do we fall victim?  Meet Jim Conner, a handsome 35-year-old amateur astronomer from Brookhaven, Mississippi that spends a solid year of his life choosing the latter and then finds himself fighting for his sanity…  and his life.  Before he is given a chance to fully embrace a loving relationship with his beautiful wife, she suddenly dies. Is there a chance for reconnection after death?  His recent discovery from outer space may just hold the key.

This film will be independently produced in its entirety by Wild Wolf Pictures, an affiliate of Dreamscape International Entertainment, a Central Florida based film production company – since 1986 and Directed by Allan Hall. They are currently looking for Investors, Sponsors and people just like you to become a part of this phenomenal film production and help get this fantastic project funded and released in Theaters near you.

There are of course, some very nice Perks, Prizes and Awards awaiting your generous contribution. We won’t let you down.

NASA hand-picks a special crew of astronauts and launches them to a world of hope and dreams. But what they find, they will never comprehend what Hell is about to take place…  the lives of each and every astronaut aboard ship are dramatically changed; altered and distorted as they uncover untold secrets and rewrite the books of history.

If you want to find out what happens next, I guess you’ll just have to help back this project.

By supporting this movie, you will also be supporting today’s unfortunate military Veterans who have fought bravely for our country and what you have today. Your donations will also be giving Rights back to unfortunate animals who are abused;  giving them hope, treatment and the help they need against abuse. We will donate;  contribute 10% of the funds collected (if campaign is successful) to these two charities.

Please make your donation(s) today on

You may also be interested in some of the very way-cool ‘Contests’ they have on their Promotional Website for this film; they are about helping people; people like you and me; in getting your ‘special talents’ shown to the world. They are searching for multi-talented people who can not only write songs and sing for the Suddenly Real Soundtrack but who can also ‘Draw’ for the related Concept Art they need. This could be a huge impact on your career. There are also many other Contests involved in this production. To see them all, go to their Official Promotion Site.

Winners will be handsomely rewarded for their efforts!

So, if you would like to see this cool and exciting film-of-the-century get made, and  help out others; please contribute. To also help promote this campaign, get the word out; Share and Like their Posts, Interviews and Advertisements. You will not be disappointed you have become a part of this fast-paced on the edge-of-your-seat sexy-romantic action-thriller!

We, the “Suddenly Real Support Team“, here at Wild Wolf Picture Productions, Thank Each and Every One of You that have decided you want to help us get this phenomenal film project made and in theaters; changing lives;  thus having your name also put up on that big silver screen.

Then, you can say; “Damn That Was An Awesome Film!”…  and  “I”  Was a Part Of It!  —

I Helped Make That Movie! Donate Now. Thank You.


the author

Allan Hall has been writing novels since early 1983. He is a Mechanical Design engineer by trade and runs three businesses from his home in Holiday, Florida. He is known for the many Short films he has Directed and Produced in the past, but in 2014 he began working on his first full feature Sy-Fy Thriller called Suddenly Real which is due to release in the Spring of 2016. Although he has earned extra college credits, he has no Master Degrees on paper. However, he does hold many Certificates and Diplomas from various Vocational Schools and has been extensively trained in many diverse fields of Writing, Science and Technology. Mr. Hall is also a widower of eight years with four grown children that does not live with him. Science fiction is his finest genre, but he also likes to dabble a bit in Children's illustrated picture stories, horror, and fantasy and has even prepared scripts for Television and Film. Short stories, poems and songs are a few other auras of his lurid persona. Mr. Hall is a Journalist for the Tampa Bay Examiner and has written and edited a local Church Newspaper for years. He has served his military time in the "Vietnam War", seen the makings of life, the destruction of nations, and the vicious details of untimely death. He has also extensively studied the universe, including the birth of planets, stars and space travel. He intimately examines every operation of NASA, all of its missions, experiments and developments in space.