Submarine Deluxe/Entertainment, (the company affiliated with the following Academy Award winning films: Citizen Four, Searching for Sugarman, and 20 Feet from Stardom) is gearing up for their next big feature film project: FIRE MUSIC.

FIRE MUSIC is a feature documentary that tells the exciting history behind the free jazz movement. This incredible music documentary focuses on a new form of jazz that began in the late 1950s. This new jazz was separate from the happy sounding commercial jazz music that made jazz a well known music genre all over the world. This free jazz was angrier and more emotional because the music reflected the turbulent times. The musicians behind this free jazz music were ignored by mainstream media and as a result created their own subculture. Today free jazz has the largest audience in its 50 year plus history. FIRE MUSIC will stand as the first serious attempt to capture the sights and sounds of one of the most innovative movements in music history. The film is currently in production now and a Kickstarter campaign has been launched to raise more funds for the completion of the film and the film festival circuit. The goal is to raise $35,000 total for FIRE MUSIC through Kickstarter.

We appreciate all donations through Kickstarter and there are many great donation gifts detailed on the FIRE MUSIC Kickstarter site. To donate please visit:

Contact Information

Submarine Entertainment/Submarine Deluxe
Sola Fasehun