Strange Brew: The Ultimate Witch & Warlock

STRANGE BREW is the newest book for playing Witches and Warlocks in the Pathfinder (and 3.5 compatible) Role-Playing Games.

In 2000 we were treated to a new version of the world’s oldest and biggest fantasy roleplaying game. Along with this new version of the game came a new license to allow others to produce material for it. By 2002 we ended up with no less than a half-dozen new products offering witch classes.Two of those, Way of the Witch and Liber Mysterium, took the witch into new and exciting directions.

Now in 2014 we have Pathfinder, the spiritual successor to that game, and a new witch class. In the last 10 years, a lot of great material has been written about the witch.

Strange Brew: The Ultimate Witch & Warlock is the book that will bring all of these products together in one massive volume. This book will combine the efforts of members of the original team that worked on The Way of the Witch and the original author of Liber Mysterium: the Book of Witches and Warlocks.

This book will contain everything you need to play any sort of witch, warlock, or witchlike character in your Pathfinder game. Presently, we have three witch base classes, a warlock class, several traditions, new uses for skills, new feats, new hexes and powers, dozens of prestige classes, new archetypes, and several multi-class paths; and we have compiled hundreds of spells and lots of Open Gaming Content. No two witches ever need to be the same again!

For the Game Masters we also include witch-related monsters, new magic items, ritual magics, and adventure hooks for your game. Get your witches involved on quests that mean something to them or provide some witch-centric adventures.

For more information please see the project Kickstarter page at