KidAppers restart their hit-book for children ‘Son of the Sun and Wizard Lizard’ together with new partners. This interactive kids’ book that cultivates good in young readers is now available for all mobile platforms.

‘Son of the Sun and Wizard Lizard’ is the debut application of KidAppers studio, launched in 2014. This is an interactive book that tells about the adventures of a small solar ray at the North Pole. While many stories are built on the principle of “a nice guy defeating a bad guy”, ‘Son of the Sun’ teaches children that people can change. And also that compassion and forgiveness can make this world so much better. The book consists of 10 chapters, filled with more than 150 animated and interactive elements, great music and funny characters. The application is distinguished by its bright illustrations and also an excellent storyline, ideally suited for a fairy tale before sleep.

‘Son of the Sun and Wizard Lizard’ received a lot of positive feedback, was highly evaluated and had industry awards,” says Michael Stepansky, Creative Director of KidAppers. “But at the same time, it was only available on iPad and weighed a lot. This has greatly narrowed our target audience. Unfortunately, we did not receive the expected impact and in 2015 we were forced to stop the development of new products and fall into the “sleeping mode”. Fortunately, we found new partners, the Unique Media team. They have sufficient expertise in marketing and development of mobile applications. I am confident that with their help, ‘Son of the Sun and Wizard Lizard’ will reach out to a new level. “

“We really liked the idea of releasing a book that helps parents in the emotional, intellectual and spiritual upbringing of their children,” says Glib Gandzyuk, the project’s producer. “It was obvious that the potential of this book was not fully disclosed and therefore we decided to initiate a reboot of ‘Son of the Sun’. We plan to not only adapt this book for all mobile platforms, but also to release a full-fledged printed book. “

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