Orlando, Florida — The nonprofit Children of the Nations (COTN) has created a one-minute stop motion video for its Indiegogo Campaign to motivate and encourage others to fund 800 bags of school supplies (SmilePacks) for children in the Dominican Republic. The unique and playful video, which took about 850 photos and 75 man hours to create, uses pencils and other school supplies to get across a simple message: If you give a child a pencil, she has the opportunity to become an educated leader in her community–changing her nation for the better.

What’s inside a School SmilePack?

One SmilePack costs $15
$10 covers the below ingredients (bought in bulk) and $5 goes toward paying for the shipping of the SmilePacks to one of our countries
5 composition books
1 Math Kit (ruler, protractor, compass)
1 package of colored pencils
1 pencil box filled with the following items:
* 5 blue/black pens
* 5 pencils
* 1 pencil sharpener
* 3 glue sticks
* 1 pink eraser
* 1 pair of scissors

Why the Dominican Republic?

The largest minority in the Dominican Republic are Haitian-Dominicans, who, despite being born in the country, are not recognized as citizens by the government. Therefore, they have no access to social services such as education or health care, which also affects their ability to find work and food. Their communities have no electricity, no running water, and no roads.

Boys in these communities drop out of school at a young age, enticed by the dream of a baseball career as the only way to escape a life of poverty. Girls often marry or get pregnant as teenagers, some as early as eleven years old. A lack of education and/or skills training makes it impossible for young couples or single mothers to properly provide for their children—thus continuing the cycle of poverty.

About Children of the Nations

COTN partners with nationals in Africa, the Dominican Republic, and Haiti to provide holistic, Christ-centered care for orphaned and destitute children, enabling them to create positive and lasting change in their nations. By striving to meet the physical, mental, social, and spiritual needs of the children in our care, we believe they will grow into young men and women who are capable of creating a transformation in their families, communities, and entire countries.

For more information:
Laura Cook
Florida Office Director
Children of the Nations–USA