Children’s book author and illustrator Rick McGee has launched a project on kickstarter to fund the second mission of Space-Rover. Space-Rover is an astronaut dog and the title character in the second book of the series. The first book was successfully funded and published in 2016 by kickstarter supporters and Space-Rover is back this year with a mission to new worlds and strange encounters. “Space-Rover and the Prickly Planet” is planned for April publication.

McGee has published multiple projects as a children’s book and comic book author and artist, and Space-Rover reflects the colorful and otherworldly adventures familiar in both genres. “Merging children’s books with science fiction topics and the storytelling techniques of comic books is always a fun adventure for me,” McGee says. “Space-Rover is a popular character among kids and gets introduced to new fans through comic book conventions and library events throughout the year. I’m looking forward to sharing the next mission with everyone.”

Space-Rover and the Prickly Planet is Rick McGee’s fourth kickstarter project and each of the previous books has been successfully funded and published. He is the author and illustrator of the Ramone Cologne comic book series, the Vertically Challenged comic book and painting series, the Eleven Chickens children’s book series, and the Fantastic Adventures of Space-Rover book series. McGee has 2 book projects planned for release this year, one via kickstarter, and 1 project in progress with a traditional publisher. As a comic book artist, McGee travels to various events including comic book conventions, library events, book signings, and presentations and classes on illustration and publishing, encouraging children to share their stories. He is the official artist of the local CASA organization and provides artwork for their annual Superhero Run charity and fundraiser events.

You can see the Space-Rover trailer and details of some interesting and fun rewards on the kickstarter site at