On January 4, 2016, children’s book and comic book author and illustrator Rick McGee launched the Kickstarter campaign for his new children’s book series, The Fantastic Adventures of Space-Rover. The new series follows the intergalactic travels of a plucky dog in space and begins with Book 1: The Dark Shark. McGee is an experienced author and illustrator in the children’s book and comic book fields, having published works through traditional publishing companies as well as independent projects through Kickstarter and self-publishing venues. His past works include the Ramone Cologne comic series, the Vertically Challenged comic book,  and the Eleven Chickens in a Boat children’s book.

“I created Space-Rover when I was a teenager, but other projects got moved ahead of the cosmic canine through the years,” McGee said. “Recently I reintroduced Space-Rover’s adventures to a new audience of kids and the great responses prompted me to move forward with the book series. It has been a fun project to develop and I’m excited to see it grow into a continuing series.”

Space-Rover, Book 1, is a 42-page, full-color book with artwork done in the traditional mediums of pencil, ink, and watercolor painting. It’s an adventure written for ages 4 and up. Funding the book through Kickstarter will allow it to be published, distributed and introduced to the public through conventions and library events throughout 2016. Backers of the project have some unique opportunities for rewards that include original artwork, sketch cards, signed copies of the book, posters, and one-of-a-kind space-ray blasters designed especially for the project by Studio LTD. There are also opportunities to have your pet illustrated in the style of Space-Rover’s world and have a planet in the book series named after you. Backer levels range from $1 to $500 with several mid-range support levels that feature fun rewards.

For more information visit the Space-Rover Kickstarter page here