Do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few? Isn’t the greater good better than individual well being? How would you answer the question when asked? Better yet, would you commit to following an ideal knowing in doing so you leave everything you love behind? Would you stand and face it or would you falter? That is the question in Jinjaku, Daiki’s life.. That is…. SONS OF FATE. Here’s a new videos in the viral campaign for SONS OF FATE, NOW LIVE ON KICKSTARTER.

Through the inner strength and undying dedication to his nation Jinjaku, Daiki takes the enormous task of leading the first Japanese fleet into uncharted waters to find new trade routes. The expedition was met with utmost disaster and left Daiki stranded on the outskirts of a foreign land.

Jean- Paul Deshong, artist from titles Damsels (Mermaids), by Dynamite Entertainment, Neverland, by Zenescope Entertainment, and Big Bad Wolf, By Arch Enemy Entertainment, now brings you his samurai epic and what happens when strangers from distant lands are brought together through circumstance…. now on Kickstarter.

Son’s of Fate (origins) is a prequel story that chronicles what happens to the protagonist and the events that lead up to his arrival in Japan, and the subsequent events that happen after. “Origins” is the story that not chronicles the fate of Daiki, and Kamau, but also those who encompass their lives, and the history of Japan itself!

The title Son’s of Fate is tied to a simple theme which is the book’s mantra. A simple ideology that no matter how random things may see, only in the end, after all the connections are made, does one see the purpose of those events.
Now available on Kickstarter. All supporters will receive content exclusive content only available through the Kickstarter project regardless of future releases. Sons of fate begs the question of what happens when a solider from the east and a impressionable child from western lands are brought together through unforeseen circumstance?

SONS OF FATE kickstarter link:

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