Now introducing Solar Windows Sunshade & Suncurtains! Renters and city dwellers can also generate low cost solar electricity SPV from inside your home by using Solar Windows (SW), Sunshades and Suncurtains and save money long terms on energy costs!


If you are an apartment dweller, now you too can participate in the SPV renewable energy revolution. With the use of Sunshades in big cities old buildings can be electrified without altering landmark buildings.

The installed cost of Sunshade and Suncurtain SPV generators is less than conventional SPV modules because they do not have to be protected from the elements, and their installation cost and associated hardware is missing.

Suncurtains are much lighter than conventional glass to glass PV modules ( < 2kg compared to 10Kg/meter square) and they lend themselves for portable application.

The SPV generators combined with either AC or DC mother battery storage offer cost-effective electricity delivery even when the electric grid is out.

Come along with us on the journey to replace fossils with SPV in the 21st century. SPV is one of the best candidates to take the majority in the energy mix in this century. (Reference 1). In the process we have an opportunity to create more than 100 million jobs world wide, influence the post free market economy and help Main Street to generate their own SPV electricity. Nanergy Solar explains the journey in greater detail. Please start by contributing to our SW campaign.


The present Indiegogo campaign is a part of the energy transformation. The availability of fossil fuels are coming to an end. For mankind to survive we must find an alternative. One of the alternatives is changing to Solar PV. SPV generated electricity is the “electronic energy”, environmentally most benign, will be the lowest cost electricity in the energy mix. Ref.1. Just in the last decade 100 GW of SPV generation has been installed worldwide, creating 1 million jobs. As the change from fossil fuels to SPV advances, this industry is forecast to grow 1000 fold in the next 50 years.


Until now, the installed SPV capacity was done outside, under direct sunlight. There are good reasons also to exploit the available light inside buildings. The first company formed to do this task is IBPV, “Inside Buildings PV”. IBPV is a division of Nanergy Solar, the source of technology.

The amount of sunshine going through windows is large. In the US for example, if we count both residential and commercial east, south and west facing windows, this comes out to more than 20 meter square per resident. If all this sunlight is converted with 15% efficiency, we could generate 1000GW of IBPV electricity. This is today the US conventional electricity generating capacity.

There are many persons who have no outdoor opportunity to install solar panels. People in apartments, high rise city residences, etc. All of these users of electricity will also have now access to participate in the clean, green energy revolution. Even if you have outdoor SPV installation, you may find it useful combining it with SW products, specially the battery capabilities.

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