I am Ricardo de Haan, 30 years old, born in The Netherlands. Since 2013 i live in Jakarta, Indonesia with my Indonesian wife Paulina and 10 month old son Michaël. My wife works as a preschool teacher and I am a stay at home dad. Sadly we barely make it through every month financially because my wife’s salary is not high and a kid is quite expensive.

As an imigrant it is very difficult to get a normal job here, the only way to have a better life and future for our son is to start our own business here in Jakarta, Indonesia.

We have been thinking long about what kind of business we should start cause many people running a business around here but a lot of them are doing and selling the same thing. So we have to start something different from the rest but with high potential.

As you might know Indonesia is very sunny, everyday from 6 till 6, all year long. But nobody is doing anything with that sun! While the energy prices are rising rapidly (100% in the last 2 years).


I have to start a Solar Panel Company. High potential, good for peoples wallet’s, good for the environment. Indonesia needs Solar Energy!

Only getting started is a problem for us, we have no savings and our friends and families are not capable to help us with a budget. The banks here in Indonesia are very strict giving business loan’s since the economy is very unstable at the moment and the banks require a Capital that we don’t have and even if we had capital it is still almost impossible to get a loan as a imigrant.

We hope to raise 20.000 dollar to get started and make our dream come true.

I estimate that amount based on the equipment we need, solar panel, battery stock and other expenses like renting a storage and hire someone to help me to get started so my wife can stay with our son. It also covers the time it will take to get the business going before we start making profit.

If you like our business idea please make a donation to help me build a brighter future for us. We pray and dream about running our own business for a long time and hopefully this opportunity will answer our prayers. www.indiegogo.com