We are Jacobsen & Cole Castorina. We are a hip hop group located in small town York, Maine raising money to produce our first studio album, Small Town Famous. You can check out our music on the Kickstarter page by clicking our reverbnation link. You can also watch the Kickstarter video to hear one of our newest songs we are working on. If you like what you hear, please do consider donating.

We have already put in countless hours and thousands of dollars ourselves to produce what we could.

However, financial situations are what are holding us back.

Jacobsen, also known as Sam, lost both his parents before he graduated high school and is currently living with his uncle. He fell in love with rap when he first listened to Eminem’s Encore and since then he has never stopped rapping. Sam has very little to show financially but a lot to show musically. He is willing to work for what he has got and put in the time and effort to make an amazing first album. Sam works throughout the year to put in his own money for the album.

Cole, on the other hand, attends Chapman College in California where most of his money goes towards. Cole is a multi-talented musician who can play just about anything. He can beat box, play guitar, piano, bass, drums, ukulele, and can make any beat on a computer.

What we are asking is only for a collective $5,000 from anyone who likes our music. It could be a donation as little as a dollar, as along as we reach our goal.

Sam and Cole want to show the world what they can do and they need your help to do it. With your help, you can make our dreams, a reality. We cannot do it without the help of our fans.
