Boston, MA – Sick of hearing about another dating app being introduced and thrown at you with the other three million currently on the market? If you are a female and have tried a slew of them then you know what we are talking about. If you feel that all hope is lost on crappy blind dates and lewd messages bombarding you within a blink of the eye, that’s a thing of the past thanks to the SingledOutApp.

Described as the up and coming “flirting app that empowers women”; it has already been praised by college students, young professionals and entrepreneurs alike that this is not just another ‘hot or not’ type of jargon. We have the ability to stray away from that type of model is because of simply giving 100% of the control of the connection process to our female users.

“Using our database of over 70 million profiles, we connect people using mutual friends and use a unique system of question-sourcing to find the best matches. Unlike any of the other mobile dating apps out there, we have two separate user interfaces for girls and guys. The guys can only vote on the girls’ questions, and the girls are given full power to message, block, or single out guys who post their responses.”- Jay Wadhwani CEO

The Indiegogo Campaign for SingledOutApp just went live on August 6th and will stay open until September 30th, 2014. Our team needs your help to further develop, promote, and distribute our female-focused dating app. We really need your help to get the word out. With all these predatory, male-centered apps out there, we need you to help us fight this trend.

The ‘female experience’ for the app is very unique and simple to use:

Once you log in to the app using your Facebook profile, you’ll be asked to take a quick selfie or upload a pic from your phone. This will be what other users see on the app. You’ll then post a question to ask potential matches and select the answer you’re looking for. You can either select one of our pre-determined questions, or you can write out your own unique yes-or-no question using a Golden Ticket! Once guys answer your question, you can narrow down your results by posting another question. Users who answered your first question will be asked, so you can see who the absolute best match is. Lastly, learn more about your potential matches then single out the guys you think you’ll hit it off with!

Our brand embodies a system of trust. For more information please contact the team below or check out our full campaign here.