ShareGoodMessages, “We hope to inspire the world to communicate well by sharing good messages”. The public art project just launched a Kickstarter campaign, and their project is involving everyone by sharing messages said by friends, family, strangers, and the internet (e.g. Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook). The artist behind the project believes that what we communicate to one another is important because of how a message can inform, educate, inspire, and influence people.

Thanks to the internet, the world is like one giant community where people are constantly being active and communicating. One of the advantages of the internet is its ability to share, and this project is taking advantage by embracing the responsibility of contributing good things with everyone.

This is how they’re doing it. As people communicate with one another, ShareGoodMessages keeps their ears open for good messages. But before sharing they stop and think, “What does this message represent? What does it communicate?”, and depending on the answer they come up with, they share it. Today, you can find them sharing over 100 messages, and adding more day-to-day.

The ShareGoodMessages campaign recently launched on the crowdfunding platform, ‘Kickstarter’. Their goal is to try and raise money in attempts to translate the messages into different languages such as, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and more, allowing the project to reach more people in the world.

“It’s rewarding to know that my word mattered for somebody.”

“It’s rewarding to know that my word mattered for somebody”, is a good way to word what the project is about. Interestingly enough, it’s a Youtube comment by a member of the video-sharing website named Julian Contzen. You can find more good messages by visiting ShareGoodMessages’s website, Instagram and Twitter. You can also share your message directly through their website or by emailing