What’s the one thing you need for college? A tubful of ice works as well a refrigerator. Who needs a TV when you still have your parents’ Netflix account? Sheets? Bah, you’re still in college. The one thing that you absolutely, positively need is a smartphone. Sure, a regular phone can save the numbers of people you forget by the next morning. And, in theory, it has a calendar, so you remember when to go to parties—I mean class. But, with a smartphone, you can play Figure of Speech. At heart, the concept is simple; fill in the blank like you would on a chem exam. But it’s way better. [Insert image.]

How Will FigureOfSpeech Affect Your College Career?

1. You get practice filling in the blanks. Call that exam prep.
2. Mobile play allows you to spend all Sunday in bed, recovering from a hangover—you can’t say that about intermural sports.
3. You can create your own content; show off a new word you learned in Art History (like “grisaille”).
4. User-generated content allows you to bash your rivals at homecoming. Just use their names to fill in FiguresOfSpeech like this: “I thought Steven Hawking couldn’t move until I saw _____________.”
5. You can add people and play at any speed. Meet someone cute in a keg line, and add them to your FigureOfSpeech game in seconds. Much sneakier than sending a dozen drunk texts at 4 a.m.
6. Once you’ve gotten that hottie into your game, you can wow him/her/them/Miley with your wit.
7. This game is made for people with questionable judgment and loose morals. How better to describe your college years?

FigureOfSpeech is a “fill-in-the-blank” turn based mobile game that allows you to crack friends up with inside jokes and private heckling.

If you like Apples to Apples, Cards Against Humanity or just sharing humor with your friends, please help us spread laughter one day at a time by visiting FigureOfSpeech’s Kickstarter page located here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/figureospeech/figureofspeech-friends-dont-let-friends-laugh-alon


the author

Criotivity is the magical brainchild of L.A. native, Bay Area transplant Howcrio Burley. With over 15 years in start-up and corporate environments, I decided to follow my dreams. Or risk spending the rest of my life working for someone who did. #FlexingCriotivity When I came up with FigureOfSpeech, I knew I would need a kickass team to help me do the improbable…Spread laughter WORLDWIDE. So I recruited smarter and equally as talented FigureOfSpeech fans including Bay Area Comedians Andrew Holmgren, Anthony Median and UI/UX Ninja Raf Kania, Media Producing Wizard Tom Tripp and Social Evangelist Snow Burns. We are a small yet passionate team doing what we love- building products that inspire users to tap into their inner Criotivity. We hope you and your hilarious friends enjoy our project.