After 9 years of writing, Stephen Molina has finally decided to present his Indie Soft Rock solo project, Scuba and the Tanks and has just launched a Kickstarter to raise $800 for CD printing, worldwide distribution, marketing, and merchandise for his debut album, “The Girl, the World, & the Struggle.” All instruments were written and recorded by Stephen Molina in his room with guest vocals by Elaine Keim, then mixed and mastered at Crossroads Recording Studio inside Texas Tech University in Lubbock, TX.

To find out more about Stephen’s music and subscribe to his mailing list for a free digital download, head to You can also catch up on the latest gigs, new material, and other updates on official Twitter, SoundCloud, FaceBook, Instagram, and YouTube pages!

Scuba and the Tanks’ debut album, “The Girl, the World, & the Struggle,” is a story of love, loss, and rehabilitation, with an ending that leaves the main character still lost and confused but aware that it’s ok to not have it all figured out because no one does, and all that matters is moving forward, leaning on love, and letting the past stay in the past. Scuba and the Tanks may have started with a cheap guitar and a pocket full of bad days to vent about, but now the project has become a living, breathing art form and hopes to inspire the trapped, the troubled, the aimless, and the unhappy:

“This album is a symbol of perseverance despite the ever-growing odds, and I wanted to share that with the audience right in the intro song, “Tickets, Please,” which states to never quit or you’ll lose yourself getting caught in the what-if’s and could’ve’s. I also know that bad days are always around the corner, so even if you slip, even if you begin to fall, I promise to do my best to hold you up and not move.”

“The Girl, the World, & the Struggle” is expected to release July 22 2016.
For more music, photos, videos, and more, head over to,
and to contribute, please stop by the newly launched Kickstarter

“A debut album means a great deal, but YOU are the most important factor in all of this in order to make it happen. No matter how small or large the contribution, every cent helps, so please take a peak! There’s lots of packages for all kinds of music lovers, and I hope you find one that suits you.”