Boise, Idaho – March 20th, 2015 – Carter Weyrauch is a 26 year old entrepreneurship graduate from Boise State University. He is on a mission to create great jobs for himself and many other talented people. He is launching his Indiegogo Campaign on March 19, 2015.

Alexander Williamson (27 y/o) and Travis Seibolt are the first two artists with “Save an Artist” but hopefully many more will be able to join soon.

In an effort to create meaningful jobs for its artists, “Save an Artist” pays them a royalty between 20% and 25% which is well above the industry average for sale of prints, especially with new artists.

They are currently seeking funding in the amount of $2,500 to finance the scanning and printing of artwork, and the fulfillment of rewards.

They plan on going above and beyond for their artists by helping to sell the artist himself, not just selling prints. In the long run Carter wants to take his artists into the world of advertising and other industries that require custom artwork like album covers, or any other industry that has a need for our services.

Carter Weyrauch is familiar with networking and marketing new businesses and negotiating contracts; he hopes to find possible partners to license his artist’s works, acting a lot like a talent agency for artists who aren’t highly business minded or motivated. He urges people who enjoy the artwork brought to you by Save an Artist to donate to our campaign and share its mission with others who enjoy art and like to support aspiring artists.

the author

I am an entrepreneur and an art lover who is working to help some friends who are very talented artists. We call our business Save an Artist because we want to do more then just help our friends. We want to help all talented artists to sell their work and build them up as their own artistic brand. I was born in Minnesota but have lived all around the Northwest in my 27 years of life. My father was a business lawyer and my mother did legal work as a defender and prosecutor. I feel like these things very much effected the person I turned out to be and have a lot of knowledge of the world that I wouldn't have been privy growing up most other ways.