Save an Artist is a Kickstarter campaign that is on a mission to create meaningful jobs for talented artists.  The campaign’s founder, Carter Weyrauch describes what motivated him to start his campaign.

“Prior to launching my Kickstarter I was looking at a lot of art forums and I kept seeing the same questions.  How do I price my art?  Who out there can help me sell it?  Questions like these are what led me to recognize a major problem that a lot of artists run into. This problem led to the launch of our Save an Artist Kickstarter campaign.”

The problem they address is that although there are a great number of talented artists out there, the number of them who are equally gifted with business savvy is sadly quite a bit lower.  Carter noticed that many unknown but incredibly talented artists will sell their artwork for little to no charge, sometimes taking a loss on their cost of materials. These artists may make $20 – $100 dollars every now and then, but a lot of them are also stuck at jobs that drain their energy and in some extreme cases their creativity and happiness. They plan to help their artists become known by advertising and selling artwork. In an ideal situation artists working with Save an Artist will be able to make a good living working full time as an artist.  They want to help all those artists out there who have a unique style and amazing artwork, but are just not motivated when it comes to business.

Carter emphasizes”We want to build a brand around each artist. Prints are not the only thing we will do for our artists”.

Save an Artist boasts a passion for creating MEANINGFUL jobs for their artists has led to them giving a generous 20%-30% royalty (2 – 10 times the industry average according to Joan Beiriger’s blog about licensing artwork). In an effort to create another inflow of cash for their artists, Save an Artist plans to seek out licensing agreements for their artists. They handpick each artist that joins them, looking for those with a very unique style, they then will build a brand for that artists work. They will market their artist’s talent to clothing designers, advertisers, or anyone whose product matches our artist’s style and needs amazing artwork. Artwork they sell in prints will be limited edition and the print you buy will never be used on a T-shirt or poster later on.  They plan on keeping those two parts of their business very separate to ensure that artwork their customers buy will never end up plastered all over the place. With a lot of hard work and a good bit of luck all the company will reach its goals and the value of your artwork should increase as our business and our artists grow in popularity.

While it is true that websites like Deviant art and others help artists to create and sell prints of their artwork; Save an Artist differentiates by giving the best quality they can find.  Their print shop uses an Epson 9900 printer with the industry’s top-of-the-line UltraChrome K3 archival ink to recreate our artwork with cool coloration, superb saturation, and archival preservation for up to 200 years. The scans of their artwork are done on a top of the line scanner calibrated to the room’s temperature, humidity and everything else that could effect our images.  They come out after being scanned in 1080p high def and are then touched up to ensure each piece of artwork looks perfect on the fine Giclee Canvas it is printed on.  That does sound a bit better then someones home printer. Although for their Kickstarter, they are offering some lower quality scans to make it affordable for people on a budget; They plan on having all future prints scanned and produced with the top of the line equipment discussed above.

Their campaign is just barely over 2% funded and is finally getting press releases out. They ask that fans of their artwork please donate (as low as $1) or if you can’t donate share their social media to help them reach backers.

You can find Save an artist:

See our artwork on our Kickstarter
Google plus: +Save an Artist
Twitter: @weyrauchcarter

the author

I am an entrepreneur and an art lover who is working to help some friends who are very talented artists. We call our business Save an Artist because we want to do more then just help our friends. We want to help all talented artists to sell their work and build them up as their own artistic brand. I was born in Minnesota but have lived all around the Northwest in my 27 years of life. My father was a business lawyer and my mother did legal work as a defender and prosecutor. I feel like these things very much effected the person I turned out to be and have a lot of knowledge of the world that I wouldn't have been privy growing up most other ways.