The inventor of the RoundTail® bike launches a new bike accessory product for funding on Kickstarter.

Windsor, On. Canada., — With the launch today of a project on, Lou Tortola (Lou), is letting cyclists everywhere know they can soon get their very own affordable:

AudioPLUX™ speakers that are an “away from the ear” speaker system that delivers good quality audio near the ear while not suppressing ambient sounds around you.

At a retail target price of only $16 to $20.

Early backers on Kickstarters, will receive a black or white set—for pledges starting at just $20 and that includes free shipping world-wide.

AudioPLUX™ Specs

The AudioPLUX™ Story

Like most of his creations, the idea for AudioPLUX™ was born to Lou during a long bike ride. “I would love a good soundtrack while I’m putting in miles in the saddle, but I don’t like how headphones and ear buds block out ambient sounds of nature, traffic and other cyclists. I refuse to wear them as It’s just not safe. When I see people who ride with ear buds it hinders their ability to have a conversation with cycling friends or hear warnings. They scramble to grab their phone and turn down the sound or pop out an ear bud just to talk with me, which is a pain and isn’t safe while riding in a group or navigating through busy streets.” Said Lou.

“I thought cyclists deserved a better alternative. So I made one.”

The AudioPLUX™ speaker system is an easier, safer alternative that lets me listen to my favorite music, talk to my cycling partners and keep an ear out for cars all at the same time. And there’s never any earbuds to mess with! The AudioPLUX™ cord also features a volume slider for on-the-fly control at your fingertips.

The AudioPLUX™ system redefines simple. You can have these out of the box and ready to go in seconds. The speakers connect with the microphone jack of any mp3 player – which also provides the power so you never need any batteries – and attach to your helmet using a dime-sized piece of 3M™ Dual Lock™ Reclosable Fasteners material, a state-of-the-art product that is FIVE TIMES stronger than Velcro. And the sound is a lot like listening to the stereo while riding in a convertible with the top down.

When asked why not include Bluetooth® capabilities, Lou explained that, for now the AudioPLUX™ system, is designed simply to be an audio replacement to ear-buds, and not a another expensive accessory item that requires batteries or a charge. He wanted to offer cyclists safe and easy to use bike helmet speakers at an affordable price point.

Lou Tortola working on the AudioPLUX™ Speakers

ABOUT Lou Tortola

Italian born Lou Tortola, is a serial entrepreneur and Published Author – “A Bridge of Time” ISBN#88-900945-0-8. A Canadian business owner for thirty years, Lou is an avid designer who has filed a number of patents. He is the inventor of the RoundTail® bike, and the creator of the Safe and Sound Audioplux™ Helmet Speakers. Lou is a driven individual who does everything with passion and a contagious enthusiasm, always with a keen eye for world-class P.R. and marketing.

For the latest updates on AudioPLUX™ Helmet Speakers, you can connect with us on the following websites.

AudioPLUX™ Website:





Lou Tortola
Tel: 877-274-8820 ext. 229
Mobile: 519-818-9698