Running Rancid takes the classic combat of Road Rash, adds the graphics and trigger elements from Split/Second with the upgrading system from MotorStorm: Apocalypse as you experience it all from the back of a ravenous Zombie!

RMSLogoTitle (1)My name is RaVeN Ventnor, I am CEO and Creative Director for RaVeN Madd Studios, a newly developed independent video game company based out of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. We are quickly stirring a lot of interest with many of the new and unique features in our first game title, Running Rancid!

Running Rancid is a unique racing game in which the player rides on the back of high speed ravenous Zombie. The main feature that sets this game apart is that, for the first time ever, a player can race just about anywhere they can imagine. You can race through the mall, through your office, down your school hallway or even up stairwells and in elevators.

The other unique aspect about Running Rancid is its approach to multi-player game play. The main focus is to have a varied degree of user levels that can all compete alongside each other without having the need to be the top skilled player in order to have fun. One of the ways we hope to accomplish this is by utilizing the hardware integration of Sony’s PS4, PSVita and eventually Sony’s mobile platforms.

We will have separate mini-games that can be played on each device, which then can directly affect the players playing on the PS4 console. Imagine you’re on the bus heading to work or perhaps school, you pull out your PSVita and start playing a mini-game. As you play you begin to help, or perhaps hinder, your online friends as they are battling to gain first place in their race on their PS4. This idea has been slightly experimented with by previous titles, but I do not think their games were designed to embrace the technological integration to this degree. We don’t just want to cross platform, we want complete game integration.

With many other features, like customizable Zombies and Riders along with many weapons, upgrades and character customization our unique levels and challenges will definitely make for the most fun gamers will have, for a long time to come!

As an indie development team we are able to stay closely connected with our consumer fan base, giving them more opportunities to directly influence our creativity to deliver the best and most desirable product possible. This is why we have chosen to use Kickstarter as our initial means to get our game production started. This affords us the opportunity to forge the ideal game elements while rewarding our backers with unique one of a kind rewards. This has been our motivation to get out there and let people see who we are and what we can do. Now we need your support to help us achieve, and surpass, our funding goal!


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