Being a robot is hard, technology moves forward at a scary pace and soon it becomes old and obsolete. The production of new baby robots is strictly controlled and it’s not enough for every Roboplanet. The annual Rugbot tournament is celebrated to decide who will adopt those Babybots.

Each Roboplanet send their best champions to compete in the tournament. The most determined, fierce and badass robots will face each other to be the ones who take the Babybots and help the prosperity of their planet.

The rules of Rugbot are simple: When a Babybot is released, the competing robots will fight each other to take them to their goal, which is placed in the other team’s field. If they do it with a touchdown they get 3 points, if they do it throwing it from a distance they get 1 point. The team with more points after 5 minutes win the match and the Babybots. And yes, weapons are totally allowed.

The game offers a mix of sports and action game to set itself apart from similar titles. Just shooting everything around won’t cut it, the player also needs strategic thinking and have the goals of the game always in his mind. Specially when playing in teams, where cooperation and reading your partners and the opponents movements are key to win. If a player goes out of the edges of the screen it will die and have to wait a few seconds to respawn. That makes the use of the camera a tactical factor, because it follows the player with the Babybot in his hands.

Up to 4 players can play locally in teams of 2 vs 2. Playing against AI will also be an option in the final game

The game it’s still in development and needs funding to become a reality. The Kickstarter campaign just launched, and you can take a look at it clicking here.

The stretch goals for kickstarter include new features suchs as the addition of online play, the customization of your own character or the possibility of creating your own team with your friends and compete together in a global leaderboard.