A small group of young talented individuals are currently in preproduction of an ambitious short film and need your help and support. Based in Falmouth, Cornwall, our current Kickstarter campaign is at 96% from 45 backers with 39 days to go. Row Z promises to be moving, visually exciting and raw with emotion throughout.

Screenplay by Writer/Director Dusty Rhodes, Row Z’s is a ten minute narrative short, that follows a Michael and his father George, who are the only survivors of a biological epidemic, lost in an abandoned world, they aim to find and maintain their humanity through nostalgia. They take one last adventure on a traditional match day, to relive one of their happier memories together. A pint at the pub, make a bet and the bookies and then they head to watch the match. However, once they get to the stadium, Michael goes on to the pitch as a way to cope with the isolation and soon becomes immersed within his own world. Those infected by the biological epidemic (you could call them zombies…) then begin to invade the pitch however Michael sees them as fans, congratulating him on the score.

Why not a Zombie film?
Row Z was written to challenge the zombie genre in film and to go against the norm of hack and slash style screenwriting and create a story that was emotionally engaging, stimulating and held characters that an audience could engage and connect with. We pulled all focus away from the creatures that are zombies and looked, first, at writing a story that work without them before carefully introducing their presence. It’s a story that doesn’t rely on them but raises the stakes and tension on the human mind because of their existence. We wanted a narrative that focused on the living, rather than the “undead”. A story that was as naturalistic as a fictional story could be. Although not technically “zombies”, they are certainly a manifestation of the idea behind them.

A Countdown to Evacuation
With 38 days left running our campaign, we have been fortunate enough to have a great momentum (so far) and have raised a lot of support and pledges already. Although we are at 96%, that is for our minimum budget for this project, and for it to be the best it can possibly we need all the help and support that we can generate. If you’d like to see exactly where your money is going then there is more detail and a breakdown of costs on our Kickstarter.

It is vital to the project that this excitement and buzz continues to grow and spread to wider communities. We take no chances on this as it is so important to all of us that this film is made to it’s absolute best, and this is where we ask for your help. We hope that you are inspired to be a part of this film as all the donations add up to a large network of people who believe in our abilities. Short films are a fantastic way of telling heartfelt and moving stories. Please feel free to get in touch as we would love for you to feel as involved and enthusiastic about this project as we are!

Row Z – Kickstarter
