When creating RMRS, we had the intention of creating a collaboration between what we believed were some of the most talented, like minded musicians in our local scene. For four years we’ve booked our own shows, thrown our own events, played festivals and toured around Texas. We achieved so many dreams and played with bands we grew up listening to.
We have a business plan written out and we can account for every penny we spend, and where every penny will go. We are grown men with families now, struggling to do what we love. Every month we sacrifice most of our time and hard earned cash to give our fans the feelings we share.
Almost 4 years later, we’re still here, outliving most bands and growing stronger than ever. We’ve put in every ounce of blood, sweat and tears into everything we’ve done together. Through the ups and downs we have always succeeded and pushed on to bigger and better things.
We will be releasing a new EP titled “VICTIMS”, at Jacks Patio February 28th, 2015. This release will be exactly a year from our first release.
We have a Indiegogo campaign that we recently started to help raise for funds for the release as well. www.indiegogo.com