Ripen.Me is a departure from the media and the typical news that readers are exposed to. We believe that it is important for people to feel happy, hopeful and successful, and we hope our readers will articles that will help them to do just that.

At its core, Ripen.Me is a news and information site that’s full of positive energy, and our goal is to transform the news industry into a more powerful force for good – and we need your help to do that. Ripen.Me is a new start-up in Los Angeles with a passion to provide you with relevant news and help you feel happier and more successful. If you’ve watched the video, then you know our story (and if you haven’t watched the video, check it out now!).

We set out to change the news industry for the better. The result is Ripen.Me (link provided below). The Ripen.Me website is the first news site to focus on providing positive, uplifting, relevant and family-friendly news and information. We create unique content daily and pull from hundreds of credible sources every day too.

We love creating simple, powerful solutions to make it faster and easier for you to connect with the world — and we’re developing some fantastic ideas to provide you more personalized news, weather, traffic and social feeds!

As you know from the video, we’ve gotten this far from personal funds. It’s taken about a year to find the right team and develop the site. And now we’re looking for funding to continue. Our campaign goal is $63,188.00, which will cover operating expenses and new development costs for the next 12 months. Any funds received over-and-above our goal will primarily go toward caring for our people, hiring and R&D — which are all focused on improving your overall site experience. Contributions can be made in any amount. $2 or more automatically enters you in the Social MVP contest. All contributions come with really fun perks!

Please take a moment to share our campaign with friends and family to help us reach our goal. Thank you!