On a mission to provide healthy interior spaces, Guelph-based design firm, Respira, is innovating a smart air purifying garden for homes.

With the lockdowns continuing and many businesses shifting to permanently remote work, people are looking for ways to increase productivity as we transition into this new reality. From more ergonomic home office furniture and the latest and greatest in tech, all the way to air purifiers and potted plants, there are many many avenues to consider when trying to improve the health and safety of your workspace.

Respira, a Canadian-based design firm, is changing the way we breathe and experience nature indoors. “On average, people spend 90% of their lives indoors, and with the global lockdowns in effect that number has only increased.” Co-founder of Respira Mitchell Cowburn says. With workplaces shifting their employees to remote work as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, time spent inside the home is drastically increasing, and more people are starting to focus on how their homes can be transformed into healthier environments for both work and play. “When the outbreak first took place, we were already designing projects like this for commercial spaces, so to pivot into a residential market although never easy, made sense to us from a strategic position” Mitchell stated.

Specialists in commercial plant wall installations since 2018, the firm recognizes a growing trend in businesses shifting from their corporate offices to permanent remote positions. Ultimately, this shift forced homes to become more dynamic spaces, for various functions. Living walls have proved to be a valuable asset for corporate buildings, aiding in increased productivity and improved focus but also boosting mood amongst employees. “Studies have shown that an increase in ventilated work spaces will have a direct impact on a person’s ability to think strategically & respond to crises”. In Colder climates, opening up a window to ventilate your space isn’t always feasible. Respira provides an at-home solution to the problem of stuffy indoor air.

With increased time spent at home, there also comes a greater risk of mental health problems associated with isolation, disruption to one’s hobbies, and a lack of positive stimuli. “Welcoming the restorative natural world into your home can have remarkable benefits for both mental health and productivity.” says Dylan – Co-founder, “It’s a fresh start for remote workers”.

With so many of us now working from home, Respira is looking to help elevate the remote work experience through natural air purification and a direct connection to nature. “We want to bring the deeply rooted benefits of nature into your home and allow you to experience an elevated workflow with the company of plants and purified air.” shared Dylan.