It will be so much more than just a recipe book! This book will come with heirloom vegetable seeds and step by step instructions that will enable each reader to be able to grow some of their very own nutritious organic ingredients for creating the recipes within the book.

In essence, this book will be the seed for a closed cycle that has the potential of regenerating/building soil, saving the reader money on groceries and providing them with the confidence and peace of mind that comes from growing one’s own food and knowing how to prepare and preserve it.

Throughout my 15 years gardening (and over 20 years cooking) I have created and gathered a number of recipes that allowed me to make use of seasonal abundances and make something delicious, nutritious and fun in the process. These recipes have helped define what helps us get through the days, months, and years. Many of the recipes are comfort foods that invoke a feeling of home and belonging. They offer glimpses into the past (both recent and distant) and offer hope for the future (through the knowing we can create and share them again and again). It is my wish to share this feeling of comfort and belonging with all of you and my it is my hope that the seeds which come with this book (or any seeds you choose to plant in your garden) will offer abundance (in food and health) and lasting contentment through the act of nurturing, creating, sharing and giving back to the earth from once we came.

I am very happy to be able to share the contents of this book with the world. If you want to take decisive action to heal our relationship to nature (as humans), explore ancient and illustrious cultures through the senses and take great care of your body at the same time this is the book for you!

I will offer tips for those who are starting their first garden and just beginning to experiment in the kitchen to confidently take their first steps to produce some amazing crops and create something delicious and nourishing. I will also offer advanced techniques I have learned which can help optimize and enhance even well established gardens (through aligning with natural cycles and learning from/emulating symbiotic relationships in nature) so the reader can do less work and get bigger harvests. This book is about nourishing the earth, our bodies, our creative side, planting the seeds for a bright future and nourishing the communities we live in (both human and multi-species communities aka eco-systems).

This book will offer practical techniques for boosting harvest yields (while also saving money on groceries and synthetic garden inputs) through aligning with nature’s cycles and symbiotic relationships, increasing our health through proper nutrition and simultaneously giving back to the living planet.

If this project is something you believe in please share this post with your friends, family and anyone you feel would appreciate a medium to learn regenerative gardening techniques and create delicious and nutritious meals from garden harvests. Thank you for your support!