Minneapolis, MN (October 7th) – Rare Find Games launched their Kickstarter with a goal of raising enough funds to print, ship and promote their new, original Cooperative Card Game “Heroes of Ahlmeran“. The money raised by Kickstarter goes to helping cover some of the printing and shipping costs, but also depending on the amount, could put an entire finished game into your hands. And remember, Kickstarter doesn’t charge you until after the funding is complete.

Chris Peach, Developer and Creator, said “It’s to give us a head start with our fans and community before we begin promoting the game at conventions. After so many local events and play tests you get a sense of what you game means to people. Ours mean community, and by funding the project on Kickstarter it means we have a better chance of getting that product and that sense of community to you.” And he is right. From that Kickstarter all of the fund are going towards the printing and shipping of those games. Then you and your friends can begin hating the evil that plagues Ahlmeran. Chris went on to say “There is no Dungeon Master to hate as you progress, it’s just you, your party fighting the decks themselves. And we truly believe that sense of community and camaraderie is what makes the game so wonderful”.

The game is Written and Created by Chris and Edited by Bill Morrison. Ahlmeran is a fictional world created by Chris. Finding quality artists was near impossible they said, but they eventually found a great chemistry with Tori Lantz and Michelle Johnsen.

Check out their Kickstarter Campaign here.

About Rare Find Games

Founded By Bill Morrison and Chris Peach, the two set out to develop an idea that Chris had about how Deck Building Games and Trading Card Games should work. The idea centered around Scaling, “Most Role Playing Games that have remained relevant or popular find a way to scale and keep each part of their content relevant expansions later. So that’s what we tried to do”, Bill said.
Though their first product released to the public, Heroes of Ahlmeran is an excitingly original take on the Cooperative Card Game front. With the ability to build a party using similar themes from popular Pen and Paper Games, and the idea that as you continue playing those character you, and the content scale up, well that makes Rare Find Games first venture an ambitious and fun one.

For more information you can contact the foursome through their Kickstarter Page above, where they have promised, no donation goes unnoticed and no question or comment go unanswered!

Otherwise you can find them on Facebook here.