Molly is a new live action series written and directed by former NYC Broadway stage actor Steven Michael Zack. Molly tells the story of Molly, a young Witch who is just coming in to her powers, and her possessed knife wielding stuffed bunny Mr. Oscar. As Molly escapes her abusive stepfather, after the mysterious death of her mother, she begins to realize that her future, her destiny is greater that she could have imagined.

Molly is the first collaboration between Ranger 7 Studios (Nashville) and Ski Lit Productions (Clarksville). “This is a departure for me personally…ā€ said Zack. “My background is in Sci-Fi and music, so creating a fantasy/horror web series is very out of my comfort zone. But as writers and filmmakers, we need to constantly challenge ourselves and find new avenues to create new things. Iā€™m excited to see where this series takes us.”

Molly will be shot in 4K between Nashville and Clarksville and will feature both old school practical effects and new digital techniques. “Our hope is to create something that people can relate to as well as get hooked on.ā€ said Jacob C. Porter of Sky Lit Productions and a student of the Stan Winston School of SFX.

Molly will begin filming this summer. You can check out the campaign here.


For more information regarding this project or to schedule an interview with Steven Michael Zack please contact Ranger 7 Studios.

Steven Michael Zack

the author

Steven Michael Zack Writer/Director/Director of Cinematography/Editor SMZ, as he is know in the industry, is a vetran of the entertainment industry for over 30 years. SMZ started as a professional stage actor and director. His credits include the national tours of Camelot, Kiss Me Kate, Phantom, Fiddelr on the Roof, as well as starring in many regional and summer stock companies. In 2007 he took a break from all that to write and record country music in NYC, LA, and Nashville, TN. But soon, he fell back in to his first love (which he discovered in High School) of film making. For the past 8 years SMZ has been the writer, director, cinematograper, and editor of many projects from the web to the screen.