Nathan Felix, former punk rocker and now self-taught symphonist, turns to alternative funding sources for his latest grandiose recording, Neon Heaven, a choral symphony sung in Medieval Latin. With just 3 weeks to fund, the process is testing both the online fundraising model and the composer’s nerves.

Austin, TX (WEB) April 15, 2014 — Independent symphonist Nathan Felix is turning to the Internet to raise funds for his latest symphony recording, Neon Heaven, a choral symphony sung in Medieval Latin. With funding as the first major obstacle to getting such a large recording, current economic conditions don’t make the job any easier. Independent composers have to become more innovative in their fundraising tactics, and the independent music community has embraced sites like In line with guidelines, artists have a set number of days to raise all the funds, or the project cannot be completed. Felix’s project has a 30-day fundraising window, from start to finish. If the allotted budget ($8,000 US) isn’t raised before May 10th, the recording will not be funded.

When asked about why Indiegogo was appealing, Felix noted, “the ability to spread the word quickly online to a lot of people, and keep them updated on the status of the project is invaluable.” An added advantage for artists is Indiegogo’s merchant partner, which enables each project the convenience of receiving funds from anywhere in the world.

Felix entered the online fundraising pool a little bit at a time. Another symphonic project he was involved in was 101% funded after a 60-day fundraising effort. The project’s success paid off with press from the BBC, local NPR affiliates. and positive reviews. “Seeing the success of this project gave me the courage to put my first choral symphony on the line. I’m also certain it’ll give me a few more gray hairs,” he joked.

Felix’s symphony, Neon Heaven, will feature The Round Rock Symphony and the Texas Choral Consort. A 9-movement symphony, Neon Heaven mixes Felix’s self-taught classical ideas with is punk rock stylings. Thematically organized around good vs. evil that reflects a wide range of thematic moments as the music seeks to draw the listener in with Medieval Latin lyrics over a full symphony.

The symphony is scheduled to record in Austin, if the funding comes in. Felix is teaming up with Grammy winning engineer and producer, Erik Wofford and they expect to deliver the final mix at the end of the year. To learn more about Neon Heaven, readers can visit the project’s pitch page here:

About Nathan Felix:
Nathan Felix is a self-taught composer and symphonist. His music works have been featured in nationally broadcast PSA’s, short and feature-length narrative and doc films, and web-based media.

Nathan Felix – 512-731-0314