Proton Pulse Rift is a game that fulfills the promise of virtual reality from the 1990s (we even created a 90s style ad recorded on VHS).
Utilizing the Oculus Rift, the game doesn’t need a mouse or keyboard to play. All you need to do is look towards the direction you would like to go.

Each kickstarter contribution also gives you the Preview Beta (today!) to try out. Even if its $1, you get access to that.

On the tail end of the VHS generation there was a promise of VIRTUAL REALITY. Not the world as we know it, rendered in exquisite, high resolution detail. This was low-fi crunchy pixels and low-poly blue-and-red cyberscapes reminiscent of Tron, Lawnmower Man, and Reboot. Where the dream display of the future wasn’t a 60 inch TV in the living room; but rather the VR headset. With the Oculus Rift, we plan on finally fulfilling that promise in our neo-retro head tracking VR block breaker, Proton Pulse RIFT!

We would love to hear what you have to say about this project.

Teaser Video

90s Style Ad

Main Website

The game currently has

  • 48 Levels
    5 Boss Fights
    5 Ball Upgrades
    Full Screen Effects
    Enhanced Shaders
    Improved Menu Navigation
  • Many of the levels are more dynamic than ever. Levels that move as you play. I keep the score and paddle at a fixed point so there is no motion sickness when the larger objects begin to move.

    One of the boss fights is a forward moving rail event.

    Boss Fight

    Fire Frenzy

    Rotating Tunnel with Powr Ups

    Metal M.O.A.I.

    Proton Pulse RIFT