Portraying Traditional and Contemporary Japan Through a Series of Digital Paintings

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Japan, a country that a lot of westerners find intriguing, strange, and/or amazing, among other things. There are a lot of us that are extremely interested in Japan and its culture, whether it is the lifestyle, society, or even just the language and the people. However, there are so many aspects of Japan that are both similar and completely different from American culture that you may not be aware of and need to see more directly to gain the full experience, which is why I am setting up a Kickstarter project to help me share my experiences of Japan through paintings created by visiting famous places in Japan as well as interacting with some great Japanese people. Have you ever wondered what the meaning or significance of some Japanese traditions are? Are you curious about what the Japanese scenery looks like and how it can make one feel just by being there? How about what Japanese people themselves think about their culture and traditions? I am looking to travel to Japan in order to portray these things, as well as its traditional and contemporary societal and cultural aspects through a series of digital paintings. I am establishing this project for those of you seeking adventure, but don’t have the means to go on one, those of you who want to see the life of another culture, and/or those of you who want to learn something new from another people to enrich your own life and understanding.

You can find a link to the project here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1887115899/portraying-traditional-and-contemporary-japan-thro


My name is Jose Borges and I am completely enthralled by adventure, especially to places that can be completely different from our culture. You never know what you’ll end up learning, who you’ll end up meeting, or what you’ll end up being able to share with others by traveling. There are just so many wonderful things we can all learn from our world and its people, which is why I’ve always thought that the best experiences are the ones that you share with others. For this project, I want my paintings to be the essence of my experiences overseas for all of you. I will also be taking countless pictures and videos, which I also plan to share with everyone. Upon the project’s completion, the paintings themselves, as well as the pictures, will be available for all the backers of the project (depending on how much was pledged) and there will be a website created specifically to feature the produced work. This project is a very big step for me and I hope that it can also be a very big step for the rest of you.

The funding goal that I need to meet is $3,500. That money will be used for traveling all over the country of Japan as well as to acquire any necessary resources needed to produce the work. I plan to use all the pledged money for my project responsibly and effectively in order to bring back a powerful series of work for everyone to enjoy. By creating this series of works, I aim to be able to share the wonder and thrill of exploration of a different country, its culture, its people, and its beauty. I have always believed that we are all one big family in this world, whether we look different or have different beliefs and lifestyles, and being able to portray that to all of you through artwork is something that I think will help bring us together. I appreciate the your time for looking over this article and my project and I hope to see you as one of my backers soon!

You can find examples of my artwork here: http://jcborgesdesign.daportfolio.com/
If you need to contact me or just want to have a nice conversation about my project or anything else, feel free to do so at:
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the author

My name is Jose Borges and I'm a digital artist. I love exploring and experiencing the wonderful things we find in this world. I love sharing those experiences with others through my work and I hope to become a successful concept artist/illustrator in the future so that I can keep sharing the beauty of the world through entertainment.