I’m Nathan King. I recently graduated from New York State University at Brockport in Visual Communications.
Portal Test Subjects Kickstarter Campaign.
I want to make a series of videos for the internet, based on the video game series Portal. Fans of the series are always looking for new material and really like when you produce something that shows you care about the subject just as much as they do. As a filmmaker it is really hard to get noticed, making fan videos of series like Portal, Star Trek, or Doctor Who allow you to share your ability with a wider audience than if you produce an independent project. One of the things that most Visual Communications students discover is that they can produce movies and videos much easier in college than they can when they leve college. When you are in college the equipment is already set up, the dials have been tweaked and the teachers already have an idea as to what sort of video you are most likely able to make. When you leave the college environment you have to set your own dials and have to buy your own equipment. The best projects are cooperations with people you know want to make a great project. I’m building a group of like-minded individuals and students to make this project sing. One man shows usually lack sparkle, you need the creative input of all the players. A different director or actor can take the script into a new direction, one you haven’t even dreamed of. I want to be part of that machine.

This series is centered around telling the story interactions of GLaDOS with different test subjects. GLaDOS is very catty with Chell in the game series. We want to know what does GLaDOS want, how does she react with other subjects. Does she have a hobby? Can she fall in love? One of our stories revolves around the environment of Aperture Science. Mead is a former orphan made test subject that escapes Aperture only to find that a war is going on outside the walls of the facility. The Black Mesa resistance want her to go back in to get the Portal device. When she returns there is an infrastructure to the culture of the facility that the outside members can’t relate to. Is the Rattman a kind gently wise man or a madman? Another story revolves around GLaDOS and a test subject she once knew when she was human. I think the challenge of making a project as big and deep as Portal come to life will turn some heads. Everyone who works on this project are going to have a strong portfolio when we are done. We have started a Kickstarter campaign to get the funding necessary to produce a product people will enjoy. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/626979337/aperture-science-portal-test-subjects-video-series