Has this ever happened to you? You want to go out and you don’t know where you will have an amazing time and loads of fun? Or your friends are dissing you and not responding to your texts? You want to go to a place with more number of girls? Your answer is right here! PoondiApp! Currently live on Kickstarter. So if the project gets funded, here is how you use it:

Users can register with their Facebook accounts or email account. They enter their sexual orientation and then activate location function in their mobiles. The app is simple with unique and interesting functions.

The most unique feature of this app is Poondi. It tells you about hot happening places nearby including how many girls and boys are present there at the time. So now if you are a boy and you want to meet new girls, all you have to do is simply open the Poondi tab and Voila! You will know exactly where to find most girls. And of course vice versa! Not only that you can see anyone’s location in real-time on a map depending on their privacy settings.

There are 3 privacy options. Public: Anyone can see your location in real-time and message you. Contacts: only your contacts can see your real-time location and anybody can still message you. There is a chat tab, where you can simply chat with the people you know or new people as. Nobody: Nobody can see your location but can message you.

So if your friends are not picking up or you just want to know where they are you can simply locate their precise location.

The app is very simple and extremely user-friendly. You’re ALL-IN-ONE App from messaging to dating to social networking!

Currently the team of PoondiApp has built a working proto-type of the Android version and are seeking our help to fund their goal of $20,000 to bring this App to our IOS and Android phones. Just for $1 you get the App. So let’s support this project on Kickstarter and bring this project to life.