Harpist Sherry Konkus needs tons of support and contributions from everyone who really care about the harp music she plays. She has been praying and struggling to raise money to buy a pedal harp for a long time. She has been praying to the Lord to be able to afford, buy, and own a pedal harp for years ever since she was a young teenage girl. Sherry gradually became fascinated with the pedal harp ever since she has been seeing it on TV and looking at pictures and photos of them in books. She gets really excited to the point of having anxiety over the musical instrument to where she has to turn away from the harp to calm herself down.

After spending years trying to afford to rent, find, and eventually buy the instrument, Sherry came across the most wonderful pedal harp she ever played — The Lyon & Healy Style 15 pedal harp that to her turned out to be just the right pedal harp to be called “Mr. Right.” She rented one of the Style 15 harps from a rental place in Michigan and enjoyed the instrument to the fullest despite having issues with the buzzing strings. She was greatly heartbroken when she had to send the harp back because she couldn’t afford to rent the harp any longer. Later she rented another harp, A Venus Classic Concert Grand Pedal Harp from a place in Florida. She unfortunately had to send the harp back due to it being in badly need of repairs.

This Fundraising campaign is set to raise at least $14,000 or better yet, $20,000 for the purchase of the pedal harp and Sherry would appreciate all help and support to raise that amount by Tuesday, July 23rd, the day of her 40th birthday. Honestly she doesn’t want to spend the rest of her life raising money to buy a pedal harp when what she should be doing is practicing and enjoying this wonderful heavenly instrument.

The project can be found at this web address: http://igg.me/at/pedalharpforsherrykonkus/x/3580239

Sherry’s Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pedalharpforsherrykonkus

Sherry’s Youtube Page: https://www.youtube.com/owossoharpist

For more information about The Pedal Harp for Sherry Konkus Campaign please email her at owossoharpist@gmail.com

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