Hydroactivist startup rewards crowdfunding contributors with BPA-free Klean Kanteens, Anvil Sustainable tees made from recycled water bottles, deep discounts on Ecoloblue water from air and Sawyer water filtration products plus much more.

PeakWaterUS.com is a social enterprise platform under development whose focus will be raising awareness of, empowering activism regarding, and offering self-sufficiency preparedness for “peak water” – the point where demand for safe clean freshwater begins to exceed the combined abilities of nature and man to replenish and supply it. This week they launched a crowdfunding campaign under Environment on Indiegogo.com, their goal being to raise $100,000 in contributions. According to T.R. Shirley, the seasoned activist behind the project:

“Climate change from corporate greed is reshaping our planet. We are entering the era of Peak Water and the Water Wars have begun. Unseen by many, here in America a battle is raging to determine whether the last drop of groundwater pumped from the last exploitable aquifer will be diverted for fracking by Big Oil, contaminated with pesticides by Big Ag, polluted with prescription drugs by Big Pharma, or bottled in plastic and sold for a king’s ransom by Big Water. But if enough concerned American parents and eco-friendly patrons support the buildout of the PeakWaterUS.com platform, the outcome of the above can be none of the above.”

Peak oil is here – and vast amounts of America’s dwindling freshwater supply are being diverted and contaminated in a desperate effort to postpone it. Peak water is near – we can’t drink oil, and we can’t keep sacrificing our drinking water to get it. If we don’t get proactive about safe clean water today, there won’t be enough safe clean water to sustain us tomorrow. PeakWaterUS.com will empower that proactivity.

The PeakWaterUS.com hydroactivist platform will consist of three planks: peak water awareness, hydropolitical activism and freshwater scarcity preparedness. It will leverage a freemium business model with membership subscription revenues augmented by the sale of proven and innovative water self-sufficiency solutions, all promoted by eco-friendly affiliate marketing. The proceeds from their crowdfunding will be applied to the web development, software integration, vendor engagement, content production and promotional costs associated with building out the platform and making it operational.

Contribute to the PeakWaterUS.com crowdfunding campaign and enjoy the satisfaction that comes from making a positive difference for yourself, your children, fellow humankind and future generations – and your reward won’t end there. Here is a summary of all the compelling eco-friendly perks PeakWaterUS.com is offering: peakwaterus.com

A $35 contribution entitles you to a generous perks package including an exclusive 50% discount on a Sawyer MINI Water Filter, and $50 gets you the same for a Sawyer Squeeze Water Filtration System. Everyone contributing $100 or more gets their choice of an Anvil organic (made from GMO-free organic cotton) or sustainable (made from recycled water bottles) tee included in their package. With your $100 contribution you can elect to receive an exclusive 10% discount on Ecoloblue “water from air” atmospheric water generators worth at least $380 – or with a $500 contribution opt for a 20% discount worth $645 or more. Perk packages including authorship recognition, sponsorship visibility and advisory board status are available for dedicated hydroactivists, concerned hydrophilanthropists and eco-friendly enterprises at the $1000, $5000 and $10000 levels. And once campaign proceeds meet or exceed $100,000 in total, the first 100 contributors from day 1 (6 January 2015) at any level ($25 or more) will be rewarded with a 16-ounce BPA-free stainless steel insulated Klean Kanteen.

For more details logon to the PeakWaterUS.com Indiegogo Environment Crowdfunding Campaign page: peakwaterus.com

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Peak oil is here. Peak water is near.™ Join us in the fight for your right to safe clean water. Start by supporting us here: https://peakwaterus.com/indiegogo