Pasta Elementary is going to be the hottest new kids cartoon on TV. The whole world is pasta related with easily identifiable characters and settings for children, with the central story line taking place in an Elementary school. A few of the pasta related variations of real life in the show are; a gymnasium with a pool filled with marinara sauce and ‘snow days’ when Parmesan cheese falls from the sky. My goal is to bring this show to network television and target 5-9 year old children. A lot of the shows aimed at kids these days have no real substance. I want to bring back wholesome, meaningful programming to children with a classic look and feel, with lessons to be learned in each episode.

The first season of the show will depict the main cast pasta children in the 1st grade, starting with the pilot episode taking place on the first day of school. Each subsequent season will have the children moving on to the next grade, rather than keeping them the same age indefinitely as most cartoons do with their characters. This way children can grow up watching the series, as it will have more mature subject mature and situations with each new season.

The main character of the show is Macaroni, who’s closest friends are Spaghetti and Lasagna, as these tend to be the most popular pastas among children. Just about every popular pasta will have a recurring role in the series, but with so many different types of pasta in the world, introducing new characters whenever needed will be quite easy. Every kid watching this show could really become a ‘pasta expert’ of sorts, learning all the different types of pasta around the world, especially when the ‘foreign exchange’ pastas are introduced, such as ; Pierogi, Spatzle, Ramen, Couscous and Soba. Did you know the name of large shell pasta used in stuff shell recipes is conchiglioni? You do now and so will your kids after watching this show.

Please take a look at the campaign to create the pilot episode on Indiegogo:

Even $1 greatly helps!