History buff Jeff Johnston of Fairview, AB, Canada will be releasing the first book in a series of books entitled “Past Times” which is a look at sports, games, and leisure throughout history. The first book will focus on sports and games in Medieval Europe.

Johnston, is a Medieval history fanatic began researching sports and games for the Society of Creative Anachronisms, an international historical recreationist organization. After years of research and successfully running several tournaments recreating some of the more obscure games he decided to compile his research into a games manual tracing the history and recreating the rules of a wide variety of sports and games.

Currently raising funds to help bring the book to print using indiegogo a crowdfunding platform he is selling advanced and limited edition copies as perks for those willing to contribute to the cost of printing. Details available at http://igg.me/at/past-times/x/3517243

Jeff Johnston is available for interviews or more information at jjohnston@gprc.ab.ca