Paradigm Shift: Disclosure Operation High Jump


A space opera for a new generation, darker, faster, and scarier then any space opera before. Our history meets our future.

What is Paradigm shift, well simply put it’s a story about humans, about where we came from, and where we have been, and where we are going. A fictional trilogy, combining elements of history and UFOlogy to create a space opera for a new generation. One that is smarter, darker, faster, then anything that had ever been created.

What is the over all story of Paradigm shift, Well that is not so simply, in fact quit the opposite, it’s complex. The story starts shortly after the end of world war one, and the battling occults of the “Thule” and the “Black Suns” fighting over the favor of the gathering Nazi cloud, and a failed attempt of the same Nazi style revolution in the United States. Following the efforts of a Nazi officer “Hans Kammler” to plunder resources from the German war machine for his own personal agenda. At the same time efforts are under way to extract human resources from the collapsing Nazi state. These two events collide in the Antarctica in American operation code named “High Jump”, the title of the first book in the trilogy is “Paradigm Shift: Operation High Jump”. Along with main story going on between 1917-1947 there is a sub plot in the 32nd century, Both strands wrap together to form the web of Paradigm-Shift.

Where Am I going with all of this, the first book is written, and undergoing revisions. The second “Paradigm-Shift: Operation Paper Clip” is being written now and takes place July 7, 1947 – November 22, 1963. The third is untitled and in the planning phase. I hope that after these three books I can continue to expand the Universe. What will make this possible is that by the end of book three the base foundation of “Paradigm-Shift” will be laid out forming a complete circle with threads of other stories waiting to be told hanging in the middle. Maybe one day even a TV show, video game, or movie.

I hope to release the complete trilogy at one time around mid 2014, in E-book form, from there I will use Amazons direct publishing to print the rewards in hard cover form to all my supporters shortly after that, and for the $1000.00 dollar reward 2 of them I plan to have all the details worked out by the end of 2014 and shipped shortly after the new year. All 3D concept designs are being created using open source program blender, and member of the blender community will be getting paid to build these, so needless to say they take time.

Thank you for reading

Timothy Weber

Risks and challenges Learn about accountability on Kickstarter

Risk I’m a new writer, but I’ve been working on this for years, the first and hardest part is done telling the beginning of a large multi-plot story.
Challenges are to keep writing at the same pace as I have been (about 10,000 words a week during 2013). Finding partners that can help fiance concept art, website to expand this universe from micro idea to macro idea!