Jessica Sita, a poignantly captivating author, has put together a chapbook detailing the trauma associated with topics such as rape, abuse, mental illness and more. In a series of hauntingly beautiful poems she captures the facets of suffering through the feminine voice and carries her readers through the darkness that these traumas create. It is a bewitching journey from pain to healing and from darkness to light.

With poetry centered around the voices of victims of unimaginable struggles Jessica’s chapbook gives voice to the voiceless and strength to the broken. It is a breakthrough work of strength, dignity and beauty in the face of unspeakable pain and suffering as shown in the ending to her poem entitled Period.

“Censor me.
Pseudonyms and
voice changers and
black out screens.
It won’t change a thing.
I’ll be born again from blackness.
Like Athena from Zeus’s skull.
A warrior goddess of wisdom
of courage.
And I’ll raise sword to my cause.”

With your donations you will not only allow a wonderfully gifted young writer to promote her work but you will also be funding the sense of hope that the voices in this project represent. Funds for Outcry will cover the purchase of a professional designed cover for Jessica’s chapbook and a professional website to promote her work. It will also allow the author to purchase rewards for giveaways and extra copies of her books to give out at conventions and writers workshops. Even a small donation such as a dollar will earn you a personalized thank you note and a shout out on a blog post. A donation of fifteen dollars will not only earn you a personalized note and a shout out but Jessica will also feature your blog, Facebook page, Etsy store or other website on her author Facebook page. To sweeten the deal with each donation the donors are entered to win a Skype interview with Jessica as well as a signed copy of her book once it has been completed and published.

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