Old crafting skills for the modern day – No machines allowed!

There are those that say that leather crafting is a dying artform and that in 100 years it simply will not exist.
This is probably true of many traditional crafts and we do not want that to happen!

There is something special about owning a piece of handcrafted leather. You see working with leather isn’t just a job, it is a passion. The feel, the scent, the way it moulds and conforms to shapes – there is just a uniqueness that cannot be replicated with any other material. As it ages, it takes on character and becomes a part of you.
Yes, we live in a technologically advanced world where machines have taken over the jobs of humans, where factories in foreign places churn out cheap and disposable product, but it does not have to be like that. If we continue with this disposable society then we will eventually eradicate the need for humans in work and use up all of our natural resources.
ACLeathercraft are making their own small contribution by handcrafting leather products that are not only affordable to everyone, but that will also last a lifetime – and they want to be able to pass on their skills to others. They do not use any machinery in their leather crafting. All of their work is done by hand – the “old fashioned” way and by building their brand, their goal is to be able to take on young apprentices and teach them the skill of leather crafting.

ACLeathercraft have launched a project on Kickstarter to raise funds to purchase some exclusive leather in order to launch a new range of Slip covers and cases. The rewards are incredibly good value; for example Early Birds can pick up an A5 leather slip cover with 2014 diary, plus a keyring, plus a unique handcrafted miniature rose for just $30! They even offer a “stock a shop” option that allows retail stores to take a sample order to test the market.

But they need your help! Kickstarter funding is an all or nothing campaign and they only have 32 days to reach the funding target.
Take a trip over and support a project that brings back traditional crafts and creates beautiful and stylish items that will stand the test of time.
You can view the whole project here

This is the first step in the ultimate journey to open a workshop and create jobs.