Canton, OH – February 16, 2015 — In a time when raising capital is more painful and difficult now than it has ever been before, relief has finally been found. A new day has dawned in the capitalization space where companies are desperately in need of funds to Kick-Start their company or new product or service. And what is a “Kick-Start” you might ask?

A Kick-Start is a business investment term for an infusion of capital to get a company or product launched successfully into the marketplace. Typically, a single or handful of investors provided the capital to Kick-Start a company or product, but now Kick-Starting has been applied to the “Crowdfunding” model with enormous success. And using the power of the “crowd” through viral, word-of-mouth marketing and small contributions or “Pledges” from a large number of individuals (Backers), this proven model can be a viable and sometimes the only logical source of capital for company infusion.

In exchange for a Backer’s pledge, he/she would receive some sort of “reward” based on his/her level of contribution. Crowdfunding appears to be a brilliant approach for companies to get the funds they need and still retain control of their company and vision. And with recent and upcoming rulings by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Crowdfunding will be a powerful new trend for companies to get the capital they need with virtually none of the downside from traditional investors. Including Equity Crowdfunding. It’s no wonder that this revolutionary approach was adopted by a revolutionary company with a revolutionary HDTV product, service and approach to gaining market share. Triniti Communications (, an emerging leader in digital services technologies, today announced the launch of its Nuclius Ursa Portable Live HDTV Campaign on 2/28/2015. This campaign will without a doubt officially launch the portable HD IPTV Revolution that could bring about the demise of the Cable, Satellite and even other dated IPTV portions of the Pay-TV industry.

“With a product and service as promising as Nuclius, our potential to radically and permanently change the Pay-TV industry, and the constant attempts by investors to unfairly take too much equity in our company, the Crowdfunding option was the perfect fit for our people-driven company,” says Darin Miller, CEO and Digital Unification Guru. “Potential major investors starting coming out of the woodwork once they caught wind of Nuclius being seen live and in action. We had our discussions and at the end of the day, we had a decision to make. Would we take the dollars and let them manipulate the essence of who we are to accommodate their biased views or not. We chose not. We have spent a tremendous amount of time and money to get things where they are and frankly, had no interest in giving up any sizable stake of the company when we’re finally at the door of launching Nuclius into the Marketplace. All the hard work has already been done and all that’s needed is the remaining capital for a successful launch. So to their shock, we turned them down. They knew Nuclius was scheduled to be released in October and they used that to their advantage to press us for more of the company than they should rightfully have. Their tactic backfired. It offended us, and we haven’t looked back. But we now had a problem. We had no intention of missing our October deadline and still needed the funds to do things the right way.” Getting access to the funds however, didn’t remain a problem for the young startup for long, due to a valuable tip that was received from a small TrinitiComm investor familiar with Crowdfunding.

They decided to use the “Power of the People” to raise the capital they needed. “The foundation of our business and collective success thus far is rooted in relationships. Not multi-million dollar advertising budgets. That IS networking. And this same approach can be used to raise the funds we need and keep Triniti Communications… well… Triniti Communications,” says Miller. “And considering that there have been several companies, with nowhere close to what we have ready to be released to the market, that have successfully raised millions of dollars to launch their companies the right way using this new Crowdfunding approach, it was clear that this was our answer. The foundation of our company is the ‘Crowd’. It was the perfect fit. So we went to work building our own Kick-Starter Crowdfunding Campaign.

For the last month or so, they’ve had a top-secret program underway to build a Crowdfunding Campaign that will allow them to raise the funds they need to get Nuclius Ursa fully out into the Pay-TV Marketplace. It’s overwhelmingly obvious that Triniti Communications clearly has everything in place necessary to conduct a monumental and maybe even historical Crowdfunding Campaign for the portable Nuclius Ursa.

They have Pledge levels ranging from $10 to $10,0000+ for all budget-sizes, with some awesome rewards for giving them your financial support. The link to the Nuclius Ursa Campaign is We strongly urge you to go Back the Nuclius project and use the Share/Save widgets provided to help spread the word to your Social Networks. The HDTV Revolution is finally here!

About Triniti Communications
Triniti Communications (TrinitiComm) is a privately-held, global, next-generation, digital communications, entertainment, automation and security company with corporate offices located in Canton, Ohio USA.

Their mission is to provide premium, cutting-edge, digital communications products and services that are of the people and for the people and marketed exclusively through a powerful and entirely unique Social Network Referral System, designed to allow you eventually get all of your primary digital services at no-out-of-pocket expense.

The principals of Triniti have over 30 years of experience in communications, entertainment, IT, Internet and data technologies, physical and electronic security, content distribution, broadcasting and more.

Additional information is available by contacting Triniti Communications at