Now introducing The Poe Hustle; a light-hearted short film about a chance meeting between three oddball characters in central London. Frank is an alcoholic gambler with too much money to burn while Harry and Matilda are both con-artists with crime on their mind. Think of classic con-artist films like The Sting and Paper moon and you’ll have a good idea as to what category of genre our film falls into! The plot involves two smart con-artists, a greedy alcoholic gambler and a rare first- edition book by Edgar Allen Poe! Hence the film’s title, The Poe Hustle!

Making films can be an expensive business. We also want to make sure our crew are properly compensated for all their hard efforts. Your kind donations will help support independent artists with real passion for their craft!

Our social media campaign is growing stronger by the day. We also have a solid, long-term marketing plan going forward. Since beginning this project, we’ve already helped to inspire other local filmmakers to create their own works. I hope this continues. It’s vitally important we continue to support independent artists.

I’ve always loved writers such as Chaplin, Billy Wilder and Orson Welles. The Poe Hustle is a light – hearted drama that has been a great pleasure to write. Having handpicked my cast and crew we’re now all very excited about this project. We’re taking our finished film to various film festivals and would greatly appreciate your help in making this dream a reality for us.

The funds raised will go towards the following:

Camera, sound and lighting equipment
Location fees
Props, costumes and make – up
Cast and Crew
Editing/post-production/sound editing
Music rights
Festival entry fees

You can also help by just telling your friends and relatives about our project. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Linked In. We look forward to your support. Thank you!