Night Job
Night Job Kickstarter
Hurmit Games

What is Night Job?

What is Night Job?


Night Job is a dark 2D role-playing adventure game that is focused on telling a story in which your decisions impact the outcome. We’ve developed a deep storyline to immerse yourself in and a variety of characters who will want to help & harm you during your journey. Animated cutscenes will allow you to see deeper into the world and learn more about the characters as the game advances. The game is being developed for the PC running Windows.

The Story

The Story


You work a night job cleaning crime scenes. You thought no mess was too dirty for you to tackle. Now a serial killer runs loose in your city, and you’re the only one cleaning up after him. He won’t stop killing. It feels like he’s taunting you with messages hidden in the crime scenes. Is there a meaning behind all the murder? Who can you trust? How far will you go to expose the killer?

We Want You!

We Want You!


We need your help to achieve our goals of creating a great game! We want to reward you with opportunities to get involved in its creation and to really be part of the development. We’ve done our best to offer many ways to do so at lower amounts. Any backing amount is greatly appreciated and we thank you for allowing us to work on this game.

Your funding will grant the members of our team the ability to make ends meet and receive the support we need to focus our time on improving the game. It allows each of us to cultivate the craft we love.

Gameplay and Art

Gameplay & Art


The gameplay will be centered around the decisions you make and overcoming puzzles. It features a dark concept with a theme of mystery which is supported by a custom soundtrack. It has pixel art gameplay in the classic JRPG style with 2D motion comic animated cutscenes. The cutscenes will include voice acting and composed audio.

Sample Decision Tree
Hurmit Games

the author

We're a small game company who believes that it's the story that makes the game!