A new urban fantasy trilogy was recently launched on publaunch.com which deals with teenage depression in a lighthearted, easy to read tone. Most teenagers who suffer from chronic depression read funny novels to distract them from their own situations and without adding anymore emotional turmoil. Aspen Bassett’s manuscript, “A Penny Lost,” sets an easy, comical tone as the lead character, Penelope Grace, must overcome her own depression in order to save the world.

Penelope Grace is an unusual 16-year-old because she can read the auras and energies of the people around her. This causes a distance between her and the people she cares about as they worry how many of their secrets she can unravel. Then when a new, unnatural energy slips into town, only Penny can investigate its intentions.

But when the dark energy attacks, Penny finds herself flung across time. Now, in order to get home, she must learn how to control the darkness. Penny time travels to the Titanic, a newly built Globe theater, and even a bone dry future as she struggles to figure out the dark energy’s intentions. The closer she gets to the darkness, however, the more it slips into her mind, making Penny question her worth and whether her life is worth the fight. This symbolic struggle could help teenagers realize their own self-worth rather than believing the lies of that little darkness in their heads.

Aspen Bassett has already completed the first manuscript and has the other two mapped out and in the works. She’s currently looking for developmental editors, copyeditors, and graphic artists in order to polish her manuscript. You can find her campaign at www.publaunch.com If you like the idea, every dollar counts to help put this trilogy on the shelves.