Hideez developers made SafeBand even more secure. This unique safety solution will save lives, and protect the owner from danger. The SafeBand project recently made it debut on Kickstarter. It aims to offer the widest range of security and personal safety solutions, as well as additional fitness and notification features, by maximising the use of the newest available BLT protocol.

The developers added new levels of protection to ensure the owner’s well-being. First of all, SafeBand now has an additional Accident Alert feature.Nearly 1.3 million people die in road crashes each year because the help didn’t get to the crash site fast enough. To prevent SafeBand owners becoming this tragic statistic, a new feature was added. By MiniTagging the car or bike, the owner protects themselves from risk and ensures the emergency is contacted in case of an accident. The tag tracks the vehicles speed and movement, and in the high risk situation, can use connected phone to send an alert to a pre-programmed contact. This contact will receive GPS coordinates and information about the high-risk situation.

“We hope nobody will ever have to use this feature,” comments Regina Sergiyenko, Hideez Technology CEO. “But if it saves even one life, it’s worth the effort”

There’s also a new update to SafeBand data protection. The bracelet can now identify when the it is taken off the wearer’s hand. This will work as a second level of authentification for smartphone and laptop. If chosen, 2-level Authentification will prevent monitored devices from unlocking automatically when SafeBand is taken off. SafeBand will detect the removal automatically. It means that if the bracelet is lost or stolen, the culprit will not be able to use it to gain access to private data.

Make the connected devices more protected in these 4 easy steps:

1. Set up SmartLock for your smartphone or laptop
2. Enter the password while wearing SafeBand
3. Use SafeBand for easy unlock of your devices
4. Choose a 2-level Authentication mode. In this mode, when you take the bracelet off, the band will no longer work as SmartLock.

When you put it back on, you’ll have to repeat step 2.

Be smart. Stay safe. Use SafeBand!

Kickstarter project

For additional comments, please contact: safeband@hideez.com or visit www.hideez.com

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