A new mental health based webcomic is coming up, and it needs your help to get started!

Born of the mind of a young man with OCD, this comic focuses on the part mental health plays in one’s everyday life. It takes the good and the bad parts of living with a disorder and turns it into a humorous ongoing adventure.

The webcomic is called OCDeets, and deals with a young man named Cameron Hall struggling to live his life with severe Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. He goes through trials from dating to dealing with his mother to trying to adopt a cat – all things that become challenging when someone is dealing with mental illness. Side characters include women of color, a nonbinary character, several mentally ill people, and many other interesting individuals. In short, it’s a comic for diversity. No two characters are alike, no character is a punchline, and each character has their own unique story.

As the story progresses, new characters, plot twists, and compulsions will be introduced into Cameron’s life. He’ll deal with subjects like gender expression and sexuality, racism in the modern world, sexism, and much more. The question is, will he get a happy ending?

You’ll have to read it to find out!

The Kickstarter goes until April 28, 2016. Should it succeed, the comic will start posting within 8 weeks of its completion.

The Kickstarter’s funds cover art equipment, writing software, merchandise sales (such as t-shirts, buttons, prints, etc), and website fees. It also may pay to hire a second artist, depending on the response the project receives. If the project takes off and seems particularly popular, a second artist will be hired.

You can find the page at the following link: www.kickstarter.com
You can also find the website at www.ocdeets.com and the Patreon at patreon.com/ocdeets