Barb’s Birthday Money Bomb

New donation perks for Barb’s car campaign fund announced by Cathy Heyworth Harris who is running Barb Craig’s who is disabled, a breast cancer survivor and owner of Fancy Kat. She needs a car so we are doing a campaign which can be found at this link. HELP BARB GET A CAR LINK

Barb’s Story is detailed on the campaign web site at Go fund me. It can be found via search and at the link This is just a small part of her story you should read it. She has auto immune health issues and is of low income.  She has taken painting up again to help with donation perks.

Here is Cathy’s Heyworth Harris Update:


“We have been promising a donation gift card promotion, so here it is! Rules: For every $50.00 or more in donation from September 14th forward, you will receive back a $25.00 gift card until all the cards are gone OR a painting by Barb, and you get to choose what you want her to paint! We have one gift card each for $25.00 from Bed, Bath & Beyond, Kohls, Target, Bass Pro Shops, VISA, and Michaels. So, donate $50.00 or more, pick one gift card for $25.00, or chose one of Barb’s paintings, and it’s yours! Once all these cards are chosen, this promotion will end, but we have plans for more! Again, thanks for all the terrific donations so far! Please remember if you wish to opt-out of receiving these updates, there is an unsubscribe button at the bottom of this page! And lastly, as always, please consider at least sharing this to your Wall for more coverage. It is greatly appreciated. Fancy Kat, Barb and Cathy Heyworth Harris​”

I suggest if you want one of the cards now to get first dibs you need to donate soon. The rules are as she stated in the update which has been copied above. SO PLEASE SHARE AND DONATE to get one of the donation perks.

Remember Barb’s Birthday Money Bomb is September 28th. Here is the link to that announcement on her blog BARB’S BIRTHDAY CAR MONEY BOMB. Thank you from the bottom of my heart says Barb.

Note: Updates may be a bit slow in the next month as Cathy has her father’s estate to handle.