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Los Angeles, August 1, 2013 – today announced the launch of an Indiegogo campaign created by filmmaker Brittney Carter for her docu series Women In the News: The Testament of Pursuit (The WIN Series) featuring “a day in the life” of six unique women who passionately pursue their dreams. Carter aims to raise $7,000.00 USD by September 1st through donations on Indiegogo in order to complete production of The WIN Series this October.

This series aims to create positive reality content that can build a community of support, encouragement and inspiration for women in a variety of career fields while shaking up the normal landscape of news and reporting the successful impact women make everyday within their communities.

This series highlights the careers and various job objectives of women by providing education and news about what goes on behind the scenes when six women endeavor toward success or toward their dreams. This homage to the woman professional features life stories relatable to the 18 – 49 year-old demographic looking to begin, continue –or be inspired by the career strides of a professional. The show will provide powerful story elements of perseverance, challenges or triumphs many women face in the working world today.

Funds raised through Indiegogo will allow Women In the News to complete and release the series in October. For more information on how to contribute to this women empowerment project, visit the Indiegogo page at, http://igg.me/at/thewinseries/x/4154731 where you can receive exciting rewards for your donations, including a signed copy of The WIN Series very own Dvine Roman. Learn more about her story here:


For interviews or more information about this series, contact Brittney Carter at 213.590.2329 or email thewinseries@gmail.com. Visit| Like| Share www.facebook.com/thewinseries .