Project NESM or as we like to call it ‘The Never Ending Slinky Machine’ is one of the most interesting project’s on Kickstarter, and has achieved its funding goal of £20,000 (approx. $34,000 USD) quite successfully (in just 4 days). This means for over 640 backers, each will receive their NESM in time for Christmas; or earlier in some cases (a September delivery).

The Slinky has always been a classic childhood toy for many of us and has been named the iconic ‘American Toy’. Many of us has owned one or several in our lifetime and found that we humbly got bored of them, broke them or still have one at home or on your desk to play with when times of inspiration is needed. Project NESM aims to bring the Slinky into the 21st century and get our Slinkys exercising on their very own tiny treadmill.
This Never Ending Slinky Machine may fall into the things we don’t need but really want market, but Project NESM could be the next generation of desk-bound kinetic sculptures that will start a new revolution for sprucing up your work area. After all the popular technology website named this product “Humanities greatest achievement”.

Backing this project is simple just visit Kickstarter and search for Project NESM or click the link provided ( For just £39 (or approx. $65 USD) you can get your very own NESM, everything is customisable with a choice of finish, the possibility to ‘build-your-own’ or add a personalised message on the front, so you can really be creative with your machine.

And the team of designers has not stopped there, stretch goals at varying levels has promised even more high-tech and customisable choices if the funding levels are reached, with free rainbow Slinkys, additional white LED and even possible charging capabilities for your smart phone. This machine promises to mesmerize, captivate and inspire its owners, and we welcome the kinetic sculpture revolution.

the author

We are a team of Inventors & Engineers who share the same passion for great ideas! We have a vast knowledge of design and manufacturing...... always inventing, improving and applying solutions to everyday things. "Good execution is as important as great ideas" Our team has worked in everything including metal, glass, plastics, neon, injection molding, vacu-forming, pneumatics, hydraulics, electronics, casting and moulding, welding, brazing, machining, lathing, wood, animatronics and robots. At Creatables we not only love creating great products, but we love discovering great design, our keen eye for stunning designs or unique product features lets us find these undiscovered gems from across the world. We want to use our website to showcase our awesome finds, favourite projects and favourite stuff. Founded by Craig McCormack who invented,designed and manufactured the Award Winning 'Doubleback Utility Vehicle'